

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brewery X

One of the things I love to talk about is the perfect brewery.  It is also a strip club and gun range in case you are wondering.  When you talk about the perfect brewery you spend very little time on the beer and instead focus on how many foosball tables, dart boards, ping pong table…….you’ll have.  The culture of the craft beer lifestyle brings about envy.
Brewery X is “the brewery with no beer.”  Brewery X is more or less a design and marketing firm that will give away bottles of water with original art work on the labels at beer festivals and popular bars.  The lead brand is “Snake Oil Ale.” The name “Snake Oil” reminds us of turn of the century traveling sales people that sold “Snake Oil” that would cure everything from the common cold to cancer.  Much in the same way major beer companies sell their beer today.
The whole point of Brewery X is to get people to question what they put in their body.  If you know it is water you don’t have to focus on taste and can instead look at the bottle without trying to tie the visual and taste together.  Brewery X also gives design people an outlet for their art.
Education is the goal of Brewery X.

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