

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Future

Back to School! I had a great summer as you all may be able to figure out by all my social media activity.  Fun is fun, but school is also quite fun as well.  Not knowing everything is great.  Today’s society is full of must have answers and the element of the unknown isn’t really part of 21st century America.
That being said, “wisconsinbeerun” is running for Governor in 2012.  This isn’t Jeff McCabe the photographer who really likes beer running for Governor.  This is a media ploy by “wisconsinbeerun” to get their hands on some of the fat out of state cash floating around Wisconsin right now.
Larry the Cable guy did the same thing back in the mid 90s.  See politics’ is a joke in America.  You pay off both parties then do whatever you want and scare people with bullshit so they are really confused and scared.
No Taxes? Jesus paid Taxes.
Anyways I’m pretty sure no one has any doubt about what I support or how scandalous my life is.  That’s fine.  Jeff McCabe is a real person.  “wisconsinbeerun” is the collective unconscious.
I haven’t decided if the bullshit political party will be the “Wisconsin Socialist Workers Party” or the “Fascist Party of Wisconsin.”  You can gather just how serious I take myself and how awesome this campaign will be.

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