

Thursday, September 20, 2012

notes from a recent trip

Just like everyone else, I am always looking for an excuse to go to Madison. So when my buddy gave me his
inviation for a Beer Trade Show that was to take place at The Overture Center For The Arts I knew a good time was underfoot.

"Says you had to R.S.V.P. by the 10th"

"Won't matter. They want ya there so...they call sell ya stuff; I'll report back w/my findings"

* * *

"Do ya guys have any l...
ike, T-shirts or can kooizes"


"That's Dick, he doesn't see the humour all the time"

"We're the Little Store on The Big Corner. plus the name of the store is Dick's Quality Meats"

"Oh, we sell a lot of these"

"Anything else to do in this Town"

* * *

"I'm not from around here. I'm in Town for a Beer Trade Show"

"Sure you are"

"Where can I find a red long sleve T-shirt w/something offensive screen printed on it"

"Not here, this is Verona. No T-shirts; we keep that shit down there. This place is Fair Trade only"

* * *

No phone, keys, or watch. I've found out that the more ya bring, the more ya have the chance to lose.
Plus I don't have to power to make any buying desscions as I currently don't manage any sales accounts.
Shit I don't even want a name tag. The second I tell these professional sales people I'm from a Hick Shit Town
in the Northwoods they'll want nothing to do w/me

* * *

"I R.S.V.P.ed late"

"Oh I know who you are, here's a sales sheet and a glass. Have Fun!"

* * *

Beer Trade Show not a Beer Fest. Big Diffrence. This is where sales are made. I'd look at the sheet, but why?
This product is expensive, and when you are dealin' w/luxuray items never talk price. Because, if you have to ask.
Did a intial lap and started talkin'

* * *

"Badger Porter"

"haha of course you will"

"Cranberries in beer; before Ocean Spray bought everyone you could make some money at that"

"We got a guy"

"Sounds like a Death Trip"

* * *

"What do you guys carry from Merchant du Vinn"

"WEST lurr FER in"

"hahaha, try the Sammy Smith Aproicat"

"tastes like beer"

* * *

"Tennet's, please"

"ya like celtic football?"

"seltic football. Yes."

"hows Basque Country"

"the same"

* * *

"any Devil Dancer"

"nope, but we got this"


* * *

Beer is Beer. Just because these ones have funny names and come from far away doesn't make them any more special.
Plus I've alreadly had every beer here for the most part, usually within' sight of the smokestack of the brewery,
so Conventional Sales Tactis won't work.

But Beer Events are almost always purely social. It is not like our nations inpedenced was gained in a bar. We
left that to Cananda. So I took an inventory of my newely acquired swag and took a cab to The Malthouse.


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