

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dallas Oktoberfest

I’m twenty five.  It was too long ago that my parents were dragging me to stuff I didn’t want to go to.  Mainly because from ages eight to fourteen I was really, really into video games and any family activity that pulled me away from them was immediately treated with scorn.  Dallas Oktoberfest would have been a perfect example of such event that would piss of an angst ridden preteen/teenager if they were in attendance.
Like every Oktoberfest ever, drinking beer is the number one goal.  In our Puritan American Society in which we live in, drinking beer in public is reserved for people over twenty one.  Since I’m over twenty one, Dallas Oktoberfest is the quintessential Northern Wisconsin Event for me.
The whole town, albeit less than four hundred people, comes together to make this event a reality.  There is no need for snow fences, security, or drink tickets.  It does have the World’s Longest Brat, Polka, and Kubb.  Beer is cheap.  For five bucks you get a mug and for one dollar you get to fill it with delicious Valkyrie Beer.
I’m not going to get into it here, but Valkyrie was Five Start was Viking.  I don’t really know the story and everyone I talk to says something else.  Bottom-line here: it is beer made in a town of less than five hundred people.  I don’t care what legal shit storm happened.
Now Kubb was the highlight of the event.  The Keg-A-Pelt, a homemade trebuchet built to launch empty kegs of beer, the mini cannon that was randomly firing off rounds throughout the day, the soccer style game the area firefighters were playing next to the bar and human scarecrow contest were are cool.  But the more people were occupied for longer with Kubb.  Kubb is throwing wood blocks at wood blocks.  If you’re like me, it takes damn near an hour to play.  If you’re like the people playing at Dallas Oktoberfest, you can crank out a match in fifteen minutes.
This was my third Dallas Oktoberfest and every year it is the same thing: a Damn Good Time.

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