Title: BEER for PETE’S SAKE The wicked adventures of a brewing maverick
Author: Pete Slosberg
Date Published: 1998 (1st edition)
ISBN: 0-937381-63-2 1998
Pete Slosberg, America’s maverick beer ambassador, has quite the story. His three passions are beer, barbeque, and cigars. He found out basically everything there is to know about those things and is passing the information on to his readers.
Basically a straight biography with some interesting side bars thrown in here and there, this book reads easy and moves fast. Why beer? Wine takes too long. How did you know you were a success? Finding a bottle cap of my when I was camping. Stuff like that.
It is hardcover, cuz Pete is a classy guy and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Siris Books published it. NERD ALERT! Siris is the daughter of Ninkasi. They are out of Boulder, so next time you’re at Sunshine Daydream be sure to ask about them.
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